Net Neutrality

The principle of network neutrality states that all data flowing across the Internet must be treated equally, without discriminating on the basis of the nature of its contents, its origin, destination, or any other attribute. This means, for instance, that an Internet Service Provider must not forfeit or discount data charges that accrue when accessing content from a particular content provider, whereas accessing content from a competing content provider is subject to regular data charges. This assumption of equal treatment of data is one of the underlying factors responsible for the explosive growth of the Internet, as it provides a level playing field for everyone to create and distribute content and services to a global audience i.e. with no unfair advantages based on resources and/or influence. We strive to ensure that the principle of net neutrality is respected in India by working with the Government and other stakeholders to incorporate it into relevant laws and policies, and by resisting initiatives that attempt violations in the name of proliferating Internet access.

POSTS's Letter to Reconsider Internet Shutdown in Manipur’s Letter to Reconsider Internet Shutdown in Manipur has sent a letter to the…


Report from the panel discussion on “Reconciling State’s Interest With a Digital Life” Software Freedom…

social media apps

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) had published a consultation paper on 12 November…

social media apps

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) had published a consultation paper on 12 November…

Internet Shutdowns, SFLC, Internet Shutdown Tracker, Internet Shutdown Rules, IGF, IGF 2018, Paris

A report on the state of Internet shutdowns in India, analyzing its emergence as a…

Network Neutrality

In January 2017, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India published what is expected to be the last…

free data

On January 9, 2017, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India held an Open House Discussion…

Net Neutrality Logo

Following our initial comments on the Consultation Paper on Free Data, below are our set…

Network Neutrality

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on May 30, 2016 published a Pre-Consultation Paper…

free data

On 19 May, 2016 the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India floated a Consultation Paper on…

Free Basics by Facebook

So while all of us were busy turning the consultation paper on differential pricing of…

Based on the comments received by TRAI on the Consultation Paper on Different Pricing for…