Cyber Security



Aarogya Setu is not mandatory for air or rail travel: Update on the Petition Challenging…


A Brief on Privacy Concerns Around the COVID-19 Pandemic for the Committee on Information Technology…

Aarogya Setu

Our Analysis of Aarogya Setu’s Updated Privacy Policy and Terms of Service   On May…


Our Statement on the BECIL Tender – COVID – 19 Patient Tracking Tool Broadcast Engineering…

Arogya Setu App

Our Concerns With The Aarogya Setu App Recently, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology…

Panel Discussion on the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019

Report from the panel discussion on the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019 ( hosted…

cyber security

Our Submission to the National Cyber Security Strategy 2020 The National Security Council Secretariat had…

WhatsApp in a list of applications on a phone screen

Recommendations to The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Information Technology for Surveillance Reforms in lieu of WhatsApp-NSO…

a suited man spying with spy goggles

What exactly is surveillance? The Merrian – Webster dictionary defines surveillance as “keeping a close…

IMSC event poster

Internet Multi Stakeholder Roundtable discussion As a precursor to the formation of the IMSC,…


WhatsApp has reported that a security vulnerability in the app was exploited to install the…

cyber security was a community partner at the Real World Internet of Things Security Conference (RISC) organized by the EFY…