Digital Rights Defense

As digital technologies become increasingly interwoven with modern-day life, there is a need to rethink many traditional regulatory paradigms to ensure that technology regulations are fair, just and reasonable. Regulations in this regard are made difficult if those involved in drafting and interpreting the regulations are not familiar with the the subject of their regulations. In addition, civil liberties like freedom of speech and expression have benefited from technological innovations in unprecedented ways, making it essential to preserve the enabling technologies to the extent possible. At the same time, digital technologies have also made it easier than ever to perpetrate crimes from behind the veil of anonymity, making it necessary to consider making regulatory interventions (with minimal rights-impact) to address such scenarios. There is a growing body of legal and policy professionals who are dedicating their time to doing just this, and the scope of their work is only increasing with time.

The Digital Rights Defence is an initiative by for the benefit of lawyers interested in tackling emerging legal and policy issues in the digital world. Through a series of one-day workshops designed to cater to the requirements of the legal community, participants will be introduced to issues such as intermediary liability, privacy, data protection and more that are expected to surface in a big way in future legal and policy discourses. This project will also maintain a repository of information materials like legislations, judgements, academic reports, articles and videos on relevant issues to inform readers and generate awareness on emerging issues in the digital rights space.

The curriculum for the workshop is available here.

Contact us if you wish to host a training for your Bar Association or Law Firm.