Freedom of Speech

The right to freedom of speech and expression is considered a cornerstone of democracy. This right is formally guaranteed by the Constitution of India, and is also recognized under such international documents as the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights. The Internet is a key enabler of the right to free speech, as it facilitates instant and inexpensive exchange of information across borders, and enables users to actively publish in addition to passively receive information. Online speech platforms including but not limited to blogs, discussion forums and social media play host to truly important public discourses, and permit individuals to freely express opinions and convictions without fear of repercussions in even the most repressive of regimes. We at consider it part of our mission to safeguard this sacrosanct right in the digital space, and to make sure that the Internet remains a bastion of free speech where users are able to express themselves with minimal restrictions.


ramdev, delhi hc, facebook, privcacy, free speech, global takedown

Delhi High Court Approves Take Down of Content Globally Asks Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter…

RTBF, CJEU, Google

CJEU rules that search engines cannot be asked to de-list information globally under EU right…

Free Speech

Unlike the US, free speech in India is not absolute. Our Constitution, while guaranteeing the…

Supreme Court

In 2009, Visakha Industries, a construction company involved in the manufacturing of asbestos cement sheets,…


UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion…

sflc logo has been nominated for 2019 Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Awards. In total,…


Over the years India has seen various books being banned for several reasons, ranging from…


We, along with other stakeholder organizations and individuals, are issuing an open letter urging Internet-based…


According to the Cyber Laws and E-Security Group under Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology…

Blocked websites

The Internet Archive – a non-profit initiative that has been archiving online content like web…

Online Harassment Report Release

Mindless abuse and threats of violence are commonplace on online speech platforms like social media…

Online Harassment Report

We at have grown increasingly concerned of late by the appreciable spike in instances…