
Internships at allow promising college students and recent graduates an opportunity to gain 8 weeks of experience at the first of its kind law, tech and policy organization in India. Internships are available on a rolling basis all year long in our Legal, Policy, Technology or Communications teams. Some of these can be remote while others requires in-person interactions with the core team.

Legal Internships are unfortunately unpaid but we are working to raise funds to change this. We will ensure that we can offer other benefits to appreciate your invaluable contribution to our work.

We offer competitive paid internships in some other areas. Please check out this page for updates on such matters.

If you want to know more about our internship program, check out our previous intern cohorts below, read about the experiences of past interns and follow this page for updates.

For legal internships, please send us:

a. updated CV

b cover letter

c. a writing sample.

The duration of internship must be mentioned in the subject line. It is to be noted that legal internships without a cover letter, duration, and writing sample will not be considered.

Due to the unprecedented circumstances around COVID-19, all our internships have move online. Please write to to apply.