Digital Privacy

In the 21st century, it is often said that information is money, and not without reason. The growth of the Internet and communication technologies has lent a whole new dimension to problems like communications surveillance, anonymity and unsolicited marketing, transforming the Internet into a panopticon of sorts, where users are under constant surveillance. Every movement and click is monitored, and information so collected is then processed to meet corporate and/or government needs. In this context, it is particularly important that users of online services be educated about their rights, duties and obligations with respect to online privacy, so as to equip them to prevent having personal information used without consent or in an unauthorized manner. We at work with stakeholders to promote a greater understanding and respect for the privacy rights of citizens by assisting in framing the law and by demystifying legal, policy and technical aspects relating to privacy in the digital sphere.


People attending round table discussion on businesses using innovation to their advantage at the cost of Right to Privacy, Bangalore

Issue was debated at a round table discussion on businesses using innovation to their advantage…

On day 12 (Wednesday, 21st February 2018) of the final hearing, Senior advocate Gopal Subramanium…

Round table Feb 21

In a round table discussion hosted by,, IIT Bombay and Ananta Aspen Centre…

The hearing for Day 11 began with Gopal Subramanium continuing on behalf of petitioners. He…

On day 10, Mr. Kapil Sibal resumed his arguments and read out provisions from Israel’s…

On Day 8 of the final hearing, continuing his arguments on behalf of the petitioners,…

Today, on Day 7, Senior Advocate Shyam Divan continued reading affidavits of Siraj Dutta from…

The hearing for day 6 began with Mr. Shyam Divan, counsel for petitioners, submitting a note on…

Day 5 began with Senior Advocate Shyam Divan recapitulating his arguments on surveillance from the…

The hearing for Day 4 started with Senior Advocate Shyam Divan taking the court through Section…

The arguments on day 3 commenced with Mr. Shyam Divan continuing with the Privacy judgment in…

The hearing on Day 2 began with Senior Advocate Shyam Divan resuming his arguments for the petitioners….