Digital Privacy

In the 21st century, it is often said that information is money, and not without reason. The growth of the Internet and communication technologies has lent a whole new dimension to problems like communications surveillance, anonymity and unsolicited marketing, transforming the Internet into a panopticon of sorts, where users are under constant surveillance. Every movement and click is monitored, and information so collected is then processed to meet corporate and/or government needs. In this context, it is particularly important that users of online services be educated about their rights, duties and obligations with respect to online privacy, so as to equip them to prevent having personal information used without consent or in an unauthorized manner. We at work with stakeholders to promote a greater understanding and respect for the privacy rights of citizens by assisting in framing the law and by demystifying legal, policy and technical aspects relating to privacy in the digital sphere.


The hearing on Day 1 began with the Attorney General requesting the court to allocate…

Panel members

Date: 18 December 2017 Venue: Hotel Avenue Center, Kochi, Kerala, India People in attendance: ~70…


Earlier this month on December 14, a five-judge Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court (SC)…

People attending public discussion on ‘Privacy & Data Protection: The Road Ahead’ in Kochi

Kochi, December 18, 2017: Delhi-based not-for-profit legal services organization today organized a public discussion…

Some of the participants at the round table

New Delhi, November 16th, 2017: Several law and technology experts along with representatives from civil…

Event details

The Supreme Court’s recognition of privacy as a fundamental right is the beginning of a…

Image Credits: System Lock Credit: Yuri Samoilov/ Flickr CC BY 2.0

The Indian Supreme Court on 29 June 2016 refused to entertain a petition that sought a ban…

Privacy Bytes banner image

New Delhi, October 24, 2017: Delhi-based not-for-profit legal services organization today launched “Privacy Bytes”, a…

Supreme Court of India

Below is a compilation of some notable technology and rights related litigations from India, on-going…


On Sep 2, 2017, organized a discussion titled “Celebrating the Right To Be Let…

invitation is holding a discussion on “Celebrating the Right to be Let Alone” on Saturday, September…

Supreme Court of India

In a historic judgment, the 9 judge bench of the Hon’ble Supreme Court has unanimously…