Digital Privacy

In the 21st century, it is often said that information is money, and not without reason. The growth of the Internet and communication technologies has lent a whole new dimension to problems like communications surveillance, anonymity and unsolicited marketing, transforming the Internet into a panopticon of sorts, where users are under constant surveillance. Every movement and click is monitored, and information so collected is then processed to meet corporate and/or government needs. In this context, it is particularly important that users of online services be educated about their rights, duties and obligations with respect to online privacy, so as to equip them to prevent having personal information used without consent or in an unauthorized manner. We at work with stakeholders to promote a greater understanding and respect for the privacy rights of citizens by assisting in framing the law and by demystifying legal, policy and technical aspects relating to privacy in the digital sphere.



The last one year has seen a number of interesting developments around the Aadhaar project,…

This case, which has come in appeal from the High Court of Delhi, wherein WhatsApp…

Sample PAN

The development of Aadhaar over the years has opened a Pandora’s box of litigations against…

DEF Digital Citizen Summit

Our Counsel, Prasanth Sugathan was part of a panel on privacy at the Digital Citizen…


The journey of the Aadhaar scheme can be traced back from its inception in 2006, following which…

Journey of Aadhaar Infographic

The Aadhaar scheme has undergone scrutinies and challenges at various levels since its inception as…

The Aadhaar scheme has undergone scrutinies and challenges at various levels since its inception as…

Panel Discussion on Privacy Law, along with the Mr. Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Member of Parliament is organizing a panel discussion…

Without rules Sahib will rule ET

Now that the inevitable death of Free Basics by Facebook has happened and the dust…

The Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial & Other Subsidies, Benefits & Services) Bill, 2016 (hereinafter…

The Aadhaar scheme originated as an operation of the Unique Identification Authority of India that… will be organizing a cryptoparty on 30th January 2016 at 3pm in its office…