Digital Privacy

In the 21st century, it is often said that information is money, and not without reason. The growth of the Internet and communication technologies has lent a whole new dimension to problems like communications surveillance, anonymity and unsolicited marketing, transforming the Internet into a panopticon of sorts, where users are under constant surveillance. Every movement and click is monitored, and information so collected is then processed to meet corporate and/or government needs. In this context, it is particularly important that users of online services be educated about their rights, duties and obligations with respect to online privacy, so as to equip them to prevent having personal information used without consent or in an unauthorized manner. We at work with stakeholders to promote a greater understanding and respect for the privacy rights of citizens by assisting in framing the law and by demystifying legal, policy and technical aspects relating to privacy in the digital sphere.



Update on Anivar A Aravind v. Ministry of Home Affairs, GM PIL WP (C) 7483…

Health Data Management Policy

Our Comments on Draft Health Data Management Policy of the National Digital Health Mission The…


Our Comments on the Non-Personal Data Governance Framework Report A committee of experts under the…


RTI Reply by NITI Aayog on Working Document on Responsible AI: #AIForAll On July 30th,…


Update on Anivar A Aravind v. Ministry of Home Affairs & Ors., Karnataka High Court…


Government of Rajasthan clarifies to SFLC.IN that Aadhaar is not mandatory for COVID-19 testing Recently,…


SFLC.IN’s Comments on NITI Aayog’s Working Document on Responsible #AIForAll The NITI Aayog released its…

Health Data Management Policy

SFLC.IN wrote to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Seeking Extension for the Draft Health Data…


Roundtable on Encryption, September 3rd, 5:00 PM-6:30 PM On September 3rd, 2020, Software Freedom Law…


Letter to Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation against mandating Aadhaar for COVID-19 testing Recently, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation…

Aarogya Setu

Aarogya Setu is Optional for Air Passengers, Airport Authority Informs Karnataka High Court SFLC.IN’s advisory…


SFLC.IN’s letter to MeitY regarding fully open sourcing Aarogya Setu The Aarogya Setu’s Android source…