Digital Privacy

In the 21st century, it is often said that information is money, and not without reason. The growth of the Internet and communication technologies has lent a whole new dimension to problems like communications surveillance, anonymity and unsolicited marketing, transforming the Internet into a panopticon of sorts, where users are under constant surveillance. Every movement and click is monitored, and information so collected is then processed to meet corporate and/or government needs. In this context, it is particularly important that users of online services be educated about their rights, duties and obligations with respect to online privacy, so as to equip them to prevent having personal information used without consent or in an unauthorized manner. We at work with stakeholders to promote a greater understanding and respect for the privacy rights of citizens by assisting in framing the law and by demystifying legal, policy and technical aspects relating to privacy in the digital sphere.


Karnataka HC

Karnataka High Court Orders The State of Karnataka To Clarify Its Stance on Aarogya Setu…


 Letter to Rajasthan Government Against Mandating Aadhaar For COVID-19 Testing It was brought to our…


Letter to Goa and Tamil Nadu Government Against Mandatory Installation of Aarogya Setu   Recently,…

Aarogya Setu_Karnataka HC

Karnataka High Court Allows Amendment of Petition in Aarogya Setu Case: Update on Petition Challenging…


Aarogya Setu is not mandatory for air or rail travel: Update on the Petition Challenging…


A Brief on Privacy Concerns Around the COVID-19 Pandemic for the Committee on Information Technology…

Karnataka HC PIL

Petition Challenging the de-facto Imposition of Aarogya Setu in Karnataka High Court’s advisory board…

Aarogya Setu

Our Analysis of Aarogya Setu’s Updated Privacy Policy and Terms of Service   On May…

Data Sharing and Access Protocol

Our Analysis of ‘The Aarogya Setu Data Access and Knowledge Sharing Protocol, 2020’ The Ministry…

Comparative Study of Contact Tracing Application Across the World We studied contact tracing applications developed…

coverimage of the post for aarogya setu protest

Aarogya Setu Protest By Vickram Crishna This is a statement of protest against the mandating…

Arogya Setu App

Our Statement on Aarogya Setu App being mandatory for all employees & in containment zones…